Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Keep On Keepin' On...

This past weekend, my dear old dad celebrated his 50th birthday. In typical "Joe" fashion he threw an extravagant party to honor himself. The grand event was at his house in Dallas, and there were about 75 guests. He, of course, went all out on the party - catering, live music, and even valet parking. It was a total blast! I brought my own entourage of people, and we had such a great time. Friends from high school (who I *rarely* see) showed up, and it was so great catching up with them! We had so much fun, that we didn't leave his house until 3 am! I can't remember the last time I was out that late...I was literally falling asleep standing up by the end of the night. Here are a few pics to commemorate...

This stuff was deadly...or so I heard!

Superbird Cake...what else?

Shelly's tribute to my dad....her vocal stylings to "A Country Boy Can Survive" Don't quit your day job Shelly!

JD, trying to act like he's in the band...

Ashby and Shelly

Me and one of my best friends from high school, Sean

Bryan and his BROMANCE buddies our neighbors, Jason and Scott

Me and Bryan

Impressive, honey! Haha!

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