Thursday, August 27, 2009

A New Addition...

So, after months and months...and months...of begging on Bryan's part, we finally have adopted a puppy! Meet Cowboy, our new Jack Russell pup! We've had him for about 2 weeks now, and we just love him to pieces! He's about 12 weeks old, and we adopted him from a family whose little boy was allergic to dog saliva! : ( Never heard of that...kinda weird! He *does* have an abundant amount of energy, but he also has a really affectionate and sweet side too. I'm really happy I finally caved in, and I think Cowboy is the perfect dog for us! Now I can't imagine our home without him!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

My New Ride

So, last week was pretty exciting. After 8 years of driving my sporty, fun Camaro, the time had come to trade up to something a little more "grown up". We had hoped to take advantage of the Cash for Clunkers program, but unfortunately the Camaro wasn't deemed a "clunker". But we still got a great deal, and this is what I got!
It's a 2010 Toyota Corolla S. Pretty cool for a 4 door, right? It's really practical (35 mpg!) and has everything I wanted, so I think I'll really enjoy it. And it'll be great *just in case* we have a new addition to our family in the future.

I will miss my Camaro though. I had some great times in that car, and it was the first big purchase I ever made. I remember picking up extra shifts waiting tables so I could make my car first real bill. Ahh, memories!