Friday, March 12, 2010

Latest Belly Shot...

So, I haven't posted any belly shots lately. Here I am at 22 weeks...Yikes! I can't even imagine how much bigger I'm going to get!!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Last week was Baby Ingrum's 20 week ultrasound. I woke up at 4:30 that morning (for one of my frequent night time bathroom visits), and due to overwhelming excitement and anxiety, I never fell back asleep. Bryan and I got to the doctor's office bright and early with a small entourage in tow (Lisa and my Mom). A friend had told me to drink a big glass of orange juice before the appointment, claiming that it was the magic trick to get the baby moving and ensure a good "money shot". Well, I must've drank a little too much OJ, because that baby was going bonkers! The sono tech said she could tell the sex right away, but it took a little while to get a good picture since our little one would NOT hold still! She finally showed us this picture, and said "Congratulations, it's a boy!"
(This was taken from below at kind of a weird angle. The sono tech told us to imagine he was sitting on a glass table. Anyway, you get the idea!)

I was in complete shock! I'd been convinced since day 1 that this baby was a girl, and it took a good couple of minutes for it to sink in that I was WRONG! So much for my maternal instincts! Regardless, Bryan and I are both thrilled beyond words, and can't wait to meet our SON in a few short months!

So, without further adieu, we'd like to announce our baby boy's name...

Caden Bryan Ingrum

I can't believe I'm more than halfway through my pregnancy. It's gone by soooo quickly, and it's honestly been a piece of cake (knocking on wood - don't want to jinx myself!). I know the second half is going to fly by too, and we're going to get very busy in preparation of Caden's arrival. I promise to keep posting, and to take lots of pictures of the nursery, new baby gear, belly shots, baby showers, ultrasounds, etc. Our little man will be here before we know it, and I can't wait to document every step of the way!

Friday, January 29, 2010


Well, as always, things have been busy in the Ingrum household...resulting in my lack of blogging. We had a fabulous Christmas and New Year, and 2010 is going great so far. I had my 16 week prenatal appointment this week, and Baby Ingrum is doing great! Here are a few pics of our latest sonogram, although they are from a few weeks ago at my 12 week appointment. Just a few more weeks until our BIG doctor's appointment, where we'll find out the sex of the baby! The big day is 2/22 at 9 am. I've been thinking that it's a girl for a while now, but Bryan is convinced that it's a it'll be fun to see who's right. Either way, we'll both be ecstatic! Once we know for sure, I'll be so excited to start SHOPPING for baby! We haven't bought much at all yet, but Bryan did surprise me at Christmas with the nursery furniture I had my eye on. He got me this crib and changing table (these are NOT of our nursery though...I wish!)
I'm also starting to show a little bit. It's funny...every weekend when Bryan comes home after not seeing me for several days, he says he can tell my belly has grown. It's hard to believe I still have 5 more months of "growing" to do....yikes! Here is a pic of me at 14 weeks, about 2 weeks ago.That's really about all that's been going on with us. We're going to be really busy come spring time with birthdays, weddings, childbirth classes, showers, and preparing for our little we're enjoying the down time while we still can!