Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Great Expectations

I can't tell you all how ecstatic I am to be posting this news...Bryan and I are expecting a BABY! I'm 7 weeks along, and my due date is July 13th! We're beside ourselves with joy, and after months....and months....and months of trying, we're so excited that it has finally happened! Our first ultrasound was yesterday, and although I was nervous, to say the least, everything looked great! The heartbeat was strong (133 beats per minute), and seeing the little flicker on the ultrasound screen was such an amazing experience! It definitely made it sink in a little more that I am, in fact, pregnant! Here is Baby Ingrum's first pic!So far, I feel really good. I really haven't had any morning sickness at all. I've just been way more tired than usual, but I feel lucky that everything has been easy thus far. Anyway, the next 7 or so months will surely be an exciting time for us, and I *promise* to update this blog more frequently! Our next ultrasound in 12/28 so I'll post another update then, if not sooner! A huge thank you to all of our family and friends that have been supporting and praying for us in our quest to start a family. One thing we are sure of, is that our baby will be brought into a world filled with the loving people God has blessed our lives with!