Wednesday, June 10, 2009 anyone alive in here?

My poor little blog....I haven't written in over 6 months! Shame on me! And boy, have alot of things changed! I'll attempt to recap some of the highlights since I last checked in...
Bryan's Job
In November of '08, Bryan made the decision to go into business for himself, and start his own trucking company. He purchased his own truck, hit the ground running, and hasn't looked back ever since. Although this was a scary decision in trying economic times, it has gone extrememly well, and Bryan is loving the rewards of being his own boss. He mostly works in the Southeast region of the country, and is home about 3 days a week. I am so proud of Bryan, and all the hard work he has put in to accomplish this goal. We are both very thankful for this opportunity, and excited to see what doors it will open in the future. Here's a picture of Bryan's rig...
Our House
With Bryan becoming self-employed, this put a major snag in our homebuying plans. Apparently, you need at least 2 years of self employment history and tax returns to qualify for a mortgage. Obviously, we were lacking about 1 year and 11 it just wasn't in the cards for us. Although it was really disappointing at the time, in retrospect, I am so glad that we didn't end up buying at that time. We *did*, however, find a great little lease house, and we absolutely LOVE it! Here's a picture...It's perfect for the two of us...3 bedrooms, 2 baths, and a huge corner lot. It's only about 1400 square feet, but it's a great layout and seems alot bigger. I am WAY closer to work now, which is awesome. And we have the greatest neighbors EVER! It's been such a positive change for us. I've done *some* decorating, so I'll try to take some pictures of the interior to share.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Carolyn, that was way too cool! Loved your blog!